




仕事は自営業で、日本語の トレーディングカードを売ります。



3 thoughts on “日本語は勉強します。”

  1. Hi, thanks for joining my Japanese writing program! Here are a few corrections or comments:

    1) The first line should be “私について” to be correct. However that is not a complete sentence so you might want to say something like “自己紹介を書いてみます” or “自己紹介させて頂きます” instead.

    2) 生きる usually means more “(biologically) alive” than “living a certain place”. A common expression is “XXXに住んでいます”.

    3) ”たくさんの趣味です.” sounds a bit incomplete and vague. You can say “私はたくさん趣味があります” or maybe “私は多趣味です.”

    4) “ポケモンカードを集めることも好きです” is correct.

    5) “猫が好きです” is correct.

    6) Your usage of “また” sounds a bit overly formal to me, though it is correct. You could say “猫も好きです” instead and avoid using that. Or “それに”

    7) Regarding the sentence ” このクラスから日本語は磨くようにします”:

    a) “クラスで” is more natural
    b) The “は” sounds a bit odd, like you are excluding other languages.

    One way to rewrite this sentence to a bit more natural is:

    “このクラスで日本語を磨きたいです” or

    Looking forward to seeing your next submission, for which I hope to post the assignment soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi,
      Thank you for your corrections. Slightly unforgivable error on XXXに住んでいます.
      Having used this several times I should know better! Particles are not a strong point for me so it’s interesting to see your comments. I look forward to doing the next assignment later this week. Many thanks for your help, Sylvia

      Liked by 1 person

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